With original 16 pages tourists brochure with photo's captions inside
First edition
Italian edition (printed in the same year of the first French edition by Seuil ) of one of the most influential photo-book of the last half century. The graphics of the book was designed by Klein himself with inventive originality. The poet and critic Alain Jouffroy wrote about the book: "The work created a veritable revolution. Breaking with the medium's taboos and traditions, Klein developed a radically new way of taking pictures, inventing a violent, graphic stylecombining black humor, social criticism, satire, and poetry". In The Photo-book: a History, Martin Parr and Gerry Badger added: "William Klein's magnus opus, this greatest of 1950's photo-books by a native America, was never published in the United States. New York is a quintessential monument to the American cultural scene of the 1950's".
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